Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Understanding Paragraph

Page 74-81

Exercise 4 (FORESTS)

a. Too specific : The age of redwoods

b. Too general : Parks in California

c. Topic : Redwood trees in California

a. Too specific : How trees hold earth in place

b. Too general : The land in Scotland

c. Topic : Forests in Scotland

a. Too specific : Taking vacations in forest

b. Too general : Large forests

c. Topic : The importance of forests


1. Topic : Strom

2. Topic : Kind of clouds

Exercise 6 (THE USE OF WATER)

1. Topic : Some manner to get a water

2. Topic : Water problems

3. Topic : How to use water carefully


1. Topic : Galileo Galilei

2. Topc : How Galileo tell is experiment

3. Topic : Galileo trouble



1. Topic : How to make tea

2. Topic : Hoe europen like coffee

3. Topic : Orange juice most popular cold dring in us

Five Elements Of Paragraph

1. Topic Sentence
Topic sentence is a sentence which containing a topic or main idea of a paragraph. Topic sentence is consist of Subject and Controlling idea. The subject explain the topic or maybe the topic become a subject. And controlling idea is explain the topic to the next explanation of the topic.
Example : Lion is an animal that called the King of the Jungle.
From the sentence above, Lion become the subject. And is an animal that called the King of the Jungle become controlling idea, because it explain who the Lion is.

2. Supporting Sentences
Supporting sentences is some sentences which support the topic sentence to become a relating explanation in a paragraph. Supporting sentences have five elements :
a. Fact
Fact is the real moment that explained. Fact can consists of place, time, and list of some events.
Example : My dog was hit by a car near the big green apple tree last Tuesday.
b. Reason
Reason is a statement which tell why the explanation the topic of paragraph become happen . The reason consists of the evidence , claim , and thought that justify the movement of data to make the conclusion in a paragraph.
c. Example
Example is some evidences to strength the facts in a paragraph.
d. Statistic
Statistic is analytical data that supporting the paragraph. Statistic can be shown as graphic,diagram,picture, table, or chart.
e. Quotation
Quotation is a statement that take from other sources. Example the opinion of book’s author or opinion from the observer.

3. Concluding Sentence
Concluding sentence is a sentence to close a paragraph. Concluding sentence usually containts critics, suggestions, or messages to the reader.
Example : So coffee not only popular in America, but also popular in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

4. Unity
In a paragraph, all the sentences are relating. The supporting sentence relate with the topic sentence. So, a paragraph only explain a topic, not off the topic. It mean that all the supporting sentences in a paragraph only explain one topic sentence from beginning to the last in one union.

5. Coherence
In a paragraph, all the sentences explain the topic sentence with logically arranged and that flow smoothly. It mean that when we write a paragraph, we must arrange the sentences with good development until become a good paragraph.
There are six ways to develope a paragraph :
- Development from the least important to the most important example
- Development from the most important to the least important example
- Development by time
- Development by space
- Development from a general statement to supporting facts
- Development from supporting facts to a general statement


Human Resource Manager

UG Manufacturing Co Pty Ltd

Quiksilver Inc.

Torquay, VIC 3228

P.O. Box 138

Dear Sir,

Aldy aprilinaldy is graduated of the Institut of Management Telkom in 2013.

During the lecture bench, Aldy show that he was a good student and not a problem, either with teachers or the other students. All courses can be completed with satisfactory grades.

Aldy is a student who has a winning personality to communicate, to build a good relationship, have analitical skills, business acumen, and instinctively know what’s going to succeed in the marketplace.

In my view based on personality and abilities that Aldy have, any organization would be lucky to get him, and he will be a valuable asset to the organization.

Quiz English

The answer :
a). What do you want a job from this company ?
b). Where do you know this job vacancy ?
c). Why you are interest to fill the position ?
d). Where you have study ?
e). Have you ever had at work experience before?
f). Why you resigned from city bank ?
g). Can you operate the computer ?
h). Can you speak English and mandarin ?
i). Are you able to work under pressure ?
j). I think you’re qualified for this company as an employee

1) Interviewer : miss divine, are you going to USA
Miss divine : no, I have come to London
2) Interviewer : what for you going to London
Miss divine : I had come to make a film musical comedy
3) Interviewer : does you have planning to get married for the fourth time ?
Miss divine : no, it doesn’t I had given up marriage for good

A) Topic : finding a job
Topic sentence : finding a job is often difficult for a young person today
Answer : 4-6-8-2-1-3-5-9-10-7

B) Topic : Galileo
Topic sentence : Galileo is famous for his study of how things fall
Answer : 3-8-9-1-7-2-6-5-4

1) Topic : ice cream
Topic sentence : who first made ice cream
Irrelevant sentence : some other inventions by the Chinese are said tobe gunpowder, paper, and silk cloth

2) Topic : credit card
Topic sentence : the use of credit card
Irrelevant sentence : many changes in business have taken place in recent years

3) Topic : Adventure tourism
Topic Sentence : adventure tourism is a different way for tourists to see New Zealand
Irrelevant sentence : -


Aldy Aprilinaldy

Jl. Cikanyere 23, RT.03/RW.08 Kel. Sukamanah, Kec. Cipedes, Tasikmalaya

Tasikmalaya 46131


(0265) 337967


Roxy Sales Product Manager

II. Work Experience

1. March 2014 – Present , Honorary Chamberlain at PT Telkom Indonesia

Tbk Jl. Japati 1 Bandung

2. November 2013 – March 2014, Part-Time Foreman at Pusat Belanja

Balubur Tamansari Bandung

III. Education

1997 – 2003 : SDN Citapen 2 Tasikmalaya

2003 – 2006 : SMPN 2 Tasikmalaya

2006 – 2009 : SMAN 9 Tasikmalaya

2009 – 2013 : S1, Business Administration at Institut of Management


2013 – 2015 : S2, Business Administration at Institut of Technology


Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Paragraph Quiz December 9th

Paragraph about Carbon Tetrachloride :
1. C. although carbon tetrachloride can legally be used in industry, it is not allowed in home products
2. B. extensively
3. A. forbidden
4. D. not allowed in home cleaning products
5. A. harmful
6. B. breathed in
7. D. took away
8. A. regulate
Paragraph about American Artist :
9. B. a different American artist
10. B. One artist’s life and works are describe
11. A. he was born in America
12. D. high percentage
13. C. working class
14. A. protests
15. D. an art form involving engraving
16. B. uneven
Paragraph about Bernard’s Star :
17. B. Bernard’s Star
18. C. unassisted vision
19. A. barely perceptible
20. A. noticable
21. C. erroneous belief
22. D. a distance seemingly equal to the distance from Earth to the Moon
23. D. travel through the sky considerably more rapidly than the stars

Curicullum Vitae


Personal Details

Name : Aldy Aprilinaldy

Place, Date of Birth : Tasikmalaya, April 18th 1991

Sex : Male

Religion : Moslem

Nationality : Indonesia

Marital Status : Single

Address : Jl. Cikanyere No.23 RT.O3/RW.08 Kelurahan Sukamanah, Kecamatan Cipedes, Tasikmalaya 46131

Mobile : 085223343000

Phone : (0265) 337967

Email : al_dye10@yahoo.com

Blog : sialdhot.blogspot.com

Educational Background

1997 – 2003 : SDN Citapen 2 Tasikmalaya

2003 – 2006 : SMPN 2 Tasikmalaya

2006 – 2009 : SMAN 9 Tasikmalaya

2009 – 2013 : S1, Business Administration at Institut of Management Telkom

2013 – 2015 : S2, Business Administration at Institut of Technology Bandung


March 2014 – Present : Honorary Chamberlain PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk Jl. Japati 1 Bandung

November 2013 – March 2014 :

Part-Time Foreman Pusat Belanja Balubur

Tamansari Bandung


Music, Art, Travelling

Application Letter

Jl. Cikanyere 23


Tasikmalaya 46131

Phone : (0265) 337967

December 9th , 2009

Human Resource Manager

UG Manufacturing Co Pty Ltd

Quiksilver Inc.

Torquay, VIC 3228

P.O. Box 138

Dear Sir,


I found out about your need for a Roxy Sales Product Manager of your company on quiksilverinc.com.

I am a graduate student in Business Administration at Institut of Management Telkom. I am currently looking for a position as a Sales Product Manager in your company. I believe I am a good fit for your company. I am a natural 'sales' person with good communication and organizational skills, leadership, and record keeping.

I'm aware that many regional sales managers do an adequate job for their companies, but I'm ready to do an outstanding job in order to help you grow your company and increase the sales calls made in the Eastern region.

I have enclosed my resume to provide more information on my strengths and career achievements. I hope that we will have the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further during a personal meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Aldy Aprilinaldy


Essay Paragraph

The moment that I've been waiting for finally came too, free from school activities for a while and take off fatigue with those in care. Tasikmalaya town of my birth, I come. Two weeks I thought enough for me to be with people I care about. My arrival was warmly welcomed home by family members, including my youngest sister who beautiful and fussy immediately hugged me when I got home, how happy I am. Indeed, gathered together with family in a warm atmosphere that I missed while I was away from them.

Filling my day off when I was there as usual I took my youngest sister to school, hanging out with family, eating together, shopping together, and one day my youngest sister with her school group went to the watersplash, a water recreation. I, my brother, and my cousin was up there to spend time there together. I'm not wanted to swim, I sat with my mother while my sister, my brother and my cousin swimming and occasionally taking a picture of them that are fun swimming. Finished their swim, I took my sister and my brother to take the game flying fox and ATV motors. Really exciting.

The next day, my friends on my senior high school contacted me to take me to a karaoke place. As usual, our hobby is to go to the karaoke and doing crazy there. Something stupid going on there when I pushed the door in the wrong direction. The door should be in drag, I was pushed. I push hard and the door was not open. I saw my friends weird to see my behavior, and they laughed at me.That's because I'm in a hurry to get out of the room and I didn’t know why I did it.

The next day my friends on junior high school also called to gather together, and we plan to go to the pine forests in ciamis. This was the first time I visited the place and the scenery was very beautiful there. Hilly and there were many pine trees were very cool and calm. Making calm and peaceful heart was there also with my friends.

A week passed and soon I had to go back to bandung and busy with my college activities. I'm making plans to do the last activity with my friend on my senior high school before I went to bandung. We decided to go stay at the tea garden while celebrating the new year there. Strange indeed we were celebrating the new year there, but we're tired of celebrating the new year amid the city and we'll tried something different to celebrate the new year in a quiet place from the crowd. Two-hour drive through the winding streets, finally we got to place the aim. Once there, the cold temperature had pierced my skin and my friends. A warm welcome we received from the innkeeper and neighbors. Waiting for the New Year arrives, we decided to burn corn and grilled fish. It's delicious when eaten with friends on the season with laughter and jokes. Turn of the year arrived we lit the fireworks that we bought on the trip accompanied by a trumpet blast. The new year was more impressive this time than the previous year.

In the morning we went to the tea plantation with a half-hour travel time from the inn. Beautiful scenery on either side of us. Long enough I did not see the tea plantations, and here no less beautiful with 'puncak' in bogor. There we perpetuated the exciting moment with my friends. We spent a long time to be there and it's time to go home. On the way home, suddenly from the opposite direction, a motorcycle grazed our car and scratched our car even our tires were perforated by the incident. As a result, the fun turned into panic and confusion. After calling the shop and replaced the tires were finished, time to solved the problem with people who grazed our car. Way of peace finally taken to paid Rp 20,000, -. It will not be sufficient to paid all the damages, but what can I said he was not able to paid all the damage he has done. Maybe with patience all the damage that will be replaced by Allah SWT.

A very enjoyable holiday at the beginning but annoying at the end. But all that I made the experience I will never forget.

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