Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Essay Paragraph

The moment that I've been waiting for finally came too, free from school activities for a while and take off fatigue with those in care. Tasikmalaya town of my birth, I come. Two weeks I thought enough for me to be with people I care about. My arrival was warmly welcomed home by family members, including my youngest sister who beautiful and fussy immediately hugged me when I got home, how happy I am. Indeed, gathered together with family in a warm atmosphere that I missed while I was away from them.

Filling my day off when I was there as usual I took my youngest sister to school, hanging out with family, eating together, shopping together, and one day my youngest sister with her school group went to the watersplash, a water recreation. I, my brother, and my cousin was up there to spend time there together. I'm not wanted to swim, I sat with my mother while my sister, my brother and my cousin swimming and occasionally taking a picture of them that are fun swimming. Finished their swim, I took my sister and my brother to take the game flying fox and ATV motors. Really exciting.

The next day, my friends on my senior high school contacted me to take me to a karaoke place. As usual, our hobby is to go to the karaoke and doing crazy there. Something stupid going on there when I pushed the door in the wrong direction. The door should be in drag, I was pushed. I push hard and the door was not open. I saw my friends weird to see my behavior, and they laughed at me.That's because I'm in a hurry to get out of the room and I didn’t know why I did it.

The next day my friends on junior high school also called to gather together, and we plan to go to the pine forests in ciamis. This was the first time I visited the place and the scenery was very beautiful there. Hilly and there were many pine trees were very cool and calm. Making calm and peaceful heart was there also with my friends.

A week passed and soon I had to go back to bandung and busy with my college activities. I'm making plans to do the last activity with my friend on my senior high school before I went to bandung. We decided to go stay at the tea garden while celebrating the new year there. Strange indeed we were celebrating the new year there, but we're tired of celebrating the new year amid the city and we'll tried something different to celebrate the new year in a quiet place from the crowd. Two-hour drive through the winding streets, finally we got to place the aim. Once there, the cold temperature had pierced my skin and my friends. A warm welcome we received from the innkeeper and neighbors. Waiting for the New Year arrives, we decided to burn corn and grilled fish. It's delicious when eaten with friends on the season with laughter and jokes. Turn of the year arrived we lit the fireworks that we bought on the trip accompanied by a trumpet blast. The new year was more impressive this time than the previous year.

In the morning we went to the tea plantation with a half-hour travel time from the inn. Beautiful scenery on either side of us. Long enough I did not see the tea plantations, and here no less beautiful with 'puncak' in bogor. There we perpetuated the exciting moment with my friends. We spent a long time to be there and it's time to go home. On the way home, suddenly from the opposite direction, a motorcycle grazed our car and scratched our car even our tires were perforated by the incident. As a result, the fun turned into panic and confusion. After calling the shop and replaced the tires were finished, time to solved the problem with people who grazed our car. Way of peace finally taken to paid Rp 20,000, -. It will not be sufficient to paid all the damages, but what can I said he was not able to paid all the damage he has done. Maybe with patience all the damage that will be replaced by Allah SWT.

A very enjoyable holiday at the beginning but annoying at the end. But all that I made the experience I will never forget.

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